Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tragedi Akhir Jun..

Cam thrill x tajuk entri arini?? wahahahah..
Hari ni merupakan hari yang paling paaaannnjaaaaang skali dalam tempoh ak buat praktikal kat FRIM nih..
Ceritanya bermula....


Hujan turun renyai2.. Angin mmg kuat smpi pokok bleh buat "head banging"..
Tapi ak kat dalam lab so xrase sume tu..
sedang tekun membuat kerja2 membuat media utk pokok tercinta,
tetbe terdetik kat hati.. maka ak berkata-kata..

"Nid, pesal arini cam kejap je kita wat media hah?"
"Mne de, cam bese je ak rase.."
"Ak rse cam pantas dan cergas je wat media arini.. Gelrite elok je xwat hal arini.."
"Aah, elok je gelrite ni.. Ok la tu.."

Maka, dgn hati yg riang ak terus menyambung keje2 menyiapkan media sbb nak cepat abes.. *keje xikhlas sungguh* hehehe..

Sambil tgn sedang rancak menuang media dlm bekas, kaki menari2 lagu Arashi *part ni mmg tipu* tetbe je..


Larutan media yg sedang mengelegak telah mengalir laju di atas baju lalu jatuh ke atas kaki yang hanya memakai selipar.. *Tergamam seketika*

Rupa-rupanya, bikar kaca yang ak pegang tu pecah kat bhgn bawah dia.. 

maka, larutan yg panas tu pon tumpah ats ak.. 
Oh man!! cmne ni?? ak dh pecahkan barang lab ni lg.. 
sebelum org dtg, ak ngan nid dh berhempas pulas membersihkan semua bahan2 bukti sebarang tumpahan media telah berlaku.. dan kami berjaya!!

tp tu bukan point yg ak nak bgtau arini.. 
selepas segala bahan bukti dibersihkan, kena gak bgtau akak lab ape yang berlaku..
walaupun ak risau pasal bikar kaca yang ak dh pecahkan, tp akak2 lab risaukan kaki ak yg kena media panas tu.. Baiknya mereka!!! *puji lebih sbb diorg blanja mkn td* heee..
tp jgn risau, segalanya berjaya diselesaikan dgn aman dan makmur..
hanya kecederaan ringan je, kalau parah xdpt la ak update belog nih..

Point nye hari ini ialah, bila rasa sesuatu mcm luar tabii yang dibuat xyah la teruskan.. Dan berhati-hati la di jalan raya, rumah mahupun makmal anda..

Pesanan ringkas lagi ikhlas ini ditaja oleh
-Segalanya Mungkin-

Current Mode: Hyperactive..
Current Music: Sakurai Sho - T.A.B.O.O

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dear Smokers,

This entry is dedicated to all smokers in the world...

First, when you see this sign please, please do understand that it is a non-smoking area..

We as the non-smoker feel suffocate because the air we inhale has been polluted..
*gasping for air*

Second, if you are smoking please, please and please don't smoke in public especially in front of children, pregnant women and elderly because the secondary smoker which are the non-smokers who inhale the smoke will get lungs disease too..

Third, if you want to die early, please, please don't drag your family as well.. Remember your love one..
and if you are thinking about quitting, that is great because they do have ways..
Click here for How To Quit Smoking..
Klik Panduan Berhenti Merokok untuk Bahasa Melayu..

Thank You..
The Non-Smokers 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sonnet 1011

Everyone has their own stories..
The story that lighten up their days..
the story that make them suffer..
the story that feels like nothing..
or the story that change their life forever..

how they create the story is up to them..
the storyline has the up's and down's of life..
the setting and the casting are whom the person be with and where they going their own life..

but then, even with the perfect plan..
the tiny thing that we may look out may fail the plan..
The Only One has plan it ahead from everyone's planning..

everyone have their own way of loving someone..
one-sided love..
mutual love..
or maybe having just a crush towards someone..

it is up to them to decide..
how they will accept it..
how they will reject it..
how they will handle the situation wisely..

or they may hurt the feeling of those who are waiting patiently..
sorry for them..

but live must go on..
there are still new paths to be explore..
accepting them how they are..
explaining what the best you think it can be..

sorry for being so blunt..
but it just have to be as it is.. not more than that..

p/s: plz ignore the grammatical error.. heheh :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bad Habit!!

tak tau sejak bila ada habit nih..
payah bebeno rse nye..
tp mende ni bkn nye payah pon..
simple je..

skang ni ak ad habit "not thanking appropriately"
ble ada org tolong ak, ak x terus ckp terima kasih..
mcm dh lme2 skit bru ak teringat ak x ckp terima kasih lg..
ish3.. not nice.. not nice.. *geleng kepala*

so kpd semua org di luar semua..
di sini beta ingin menyeru kalian dan diri beta..
marilah kita mengucapkan terima kasih kpd mereka2 yg telah membantu kita..
tak kesahlah skit ke bnyk..

it is a simple word that can pleased anyone..
when someone do kind things for u..
when someone helps u..
when someone remember u..
it just to show your gratitude towards them..
Just say


Current music: FT Island - Hello Hello


 Rite now seriously i'm feeling sleepy.. 
nothing to do..
i've finished my work yesterday..
today i taught of doing something else but i can't since there are water shortage in my lab area..
now, i feel like dozing off... ZzzzZZzzzZZzzz

Current music: Tohoshinki - Toki Wo Tomete
Current mood: Sleepy.. z_z

Monday, June 20, 2011


Nande?? nande?? nande??
tetibe nk bertukar jdi "Nande, nande man!!" (klu x phm, buat2 phm ye)
nande ni dlm bhs jepun mksd dia kenapa la..

Kenapa saya rajin update blog lately?
:: sbb kat lab bleh online blog xleh on fb,ym, skype dan etc.. sedih tol.. T_T

Kenapa saya suka Arashi??
:: sebab ada SHO KUN!!! *tipu2* :p

Kenapa saya suka makan??
::sebab saya tak suka lapar.. *bleh x cmni??* :p

Kenapa saya nak gak wat post ni??
:: sebab klu pepagi tak update, bosan xde keje!! *ni pon tipu*

Kenapa?? Kenapa???

*sebelum ak start 2lis mende pelik, baek ak stop*
 Jaa ne!!

Current music: The Ready Set - Love Like Woe

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ichiban in my heart !!

He will always be my hero.. 
Ichiban in my heart!!
The most handsome person ever!!
Never let me down if i need someone..
  Iam always cracking up with your jokes.. ^0^
eventhough I have Sho kun, Rain and others, they will never ever defeat your place in my heart..
Wishing and praying for all the happiness and you in a good health always..
i know sometimes my action do hurt you.. I am sorry.. apologizing from the bottom of my heart..
I am trying to be the best in taking care both of you..
Thank you for everything!!!

 My Dad: En. Abu Bakar Rasul

Current music: Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Current mood : Cheerful!! --->

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Me and my bff, Nurfarhana Roseli

Current music: Meet Uncle Hussein ft Hazama - Pokok

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Review: The Chosen One by Sam Bourne

Actually, this is not really a review of the book..
Finally!! I have finished reading this book.. I think it takes me like forever to finish it as I am buzy doing my FYP.. *not really* heheh..
it is thrilling enough and most of them said that Sam Bourne's writing can surpass Dan Brown. Never heard of Dan Brown?? Seriously?? He is the author of The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Deception Point, Digital Fortress and The Lost Symbol.. Ok, if you are not familiar with his book, I highly recommend that you read any one of these.. Satisfactory guarantee!! But for those who are not soo into reading, watch the movie of The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons ok!!
Ok back to the topic, *I know i love to tell random story* The Chosen One book is about a man, Stephen Baker who has been elected as the US president.. Along his side, there are people that he trust more than himself.. but one day, something teribbly happen, a murder of a man that is trying to put him down the throne.. so, this make Stephen Baker as the suspect on the public's eyes.. As to clear things up, Maggie Costello stand up to investigate what had really happened.. as she dig deeper into the life of the man that she believes, she discover something shocking!! Something that not even the president know.. So,what is the connection between the murdered man and the US president? What has Maggie discover during her investigation? This is a compulsory book to read as you will discover the conspiracy of the whole wide world!!

currently reading: Dan Brown- The Lost Symbols
Current music: Monday Kiz - Goodbye My Princess

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Seronoknya, Praktikal!!! Part 2

Hari tu cm dh janji nak citer pe yg best sgt ngan praktikal kat FRIM ni..
(ngan sape ntah ak janji) =p

kalau rase cam tak tau pe yg ak ckp, sile refer entri ni.. Click here.

okie, dah tau katne ak praktikal??
Makmal Teknologi Biji Benih, Bangunan Bioteknolgi Perhutanan, FRIM..
huh, complete ak bg dh ni..

Ak dpt projek utk membuat Somatik Embriogenesis drpd Daun..
pd bdk2 bio yg blaja tumbhn myb tau pe menatang ni..
tp pd mereka2 yg xpenah blaja bio atau yg seangkatan dgnnya kat bwh ni ak dh trangkan pe mende somatik embriogenesis ni..

Somatic embryogenesis is a process whereby a cell or group of cells from somatic tissue
forms an embryo. The development of somatic embryos nearly replicates the process of
zygotic embryo formation. Somatic embryogenesis mostly occurs indirectly via an
intervening callus phase or directly from initial explant. (Iantcheva et al)

*kalau xpaham gak senang cter nak dapatkan kalus daripada daun yang kita dah tanam dalam petri dish mcm gmbr kat bawah ni*

Daripada daun cam gmbr kat atas ni nak tunggu dia jadi mcm gambar kat bawah ni amek masa paling kejap sebulan woo..

*ni le gmbr kalus*

so sementara nak tunggu daun2 ak yg comel tu jd mcm gmbr kat atas ni, maka ak pon menyibok kan diri dengan mengupdate belog nih.. *okie ni tipu*
sebabkan nama makmal ni pon dh makmal biji benih,
maka ak pon tolong la akak2 lab ni memproses biji2 benih tu..
mcm2 biji benih ak bru jmpe..


*kecik gle okie biji benih kelempayan nih, maken rabun ak tgk mende nih*


klik kat nme pokok tu kalau nak tau cmne rupe biji benih tu..

so, as the day pass by, I learn a lots of new knowledges in here..
exploring something new is exciting!!

sebab tu la seronoknya praktikal!!!

current mood: suke3!!
current music: Arashi - Mada Minu Sekai He
current location: kat dlm lab MTBB

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kerbau Berlari-lari

Korg penah ad mslh x ngan kerbau?? Mkn daging kerbau mst penah kn?? Berhdpan dgn kerbau idop?? Hehehheh.. ni dia cter ak ngan kerbau idop..

Kejadian ni berlaku mse umo ak 5 ke 6 taun.. xbrape ingt plak.. time tu ak bru blk dri tadika kat kg.. dlu time kecik2 ak dok kat kg senama masjid, rembau n9 (syg gler kg ak ni!!) ak slalu blk tumpang ad sorg atok ni tp smpi masjid kariah r.. nk cter dri masjid ni smpi umah atok ak lbh krg 200m kot (ak men agk je ni) 20m dri umah atok ak plak (ni pon ak men agk je) ad padang rumput luas gak r.. bese klu nk men mercun time rye c2 r port ak ngan sedara mare ak.. hehehe… pas2 time jln nk blk dri tadika ni time tu plak ak nmpk berkoyan-koyan kerbau tgh sedap menyantap rumput kat pdang tu.. abes jln nk g umah atok ak tu pnoh ngan kerbau2 ni..

Adeh~ cmne nk lalu ni?? Time ni ak dh tkot dh.. cuak gler nk mati tp sbb nk blk dn sbb tkot gler.. ble ak nmpk je pluang ak gne kn ngan sebaik mungkin!! Ak nmpk mcm ad lorong kecik di antara kerbau2 yg besa tu.. ckop r ntok ak yg kcik kn.. so ak berlari dlm tangisan sbb tkot gler!!! Selipar ak bleh plak tercabut tgh2 berlari tu dkt ngan sekor kerbau ni.. ah, ak xkesah selipar tu.. ak biar je yg penting ak slamat.. smpi je dpn pgr umah atok ak, ak tgk kerbau2 tu xikot ak pon.. tp tkot ny psl ak nangis siap meraung pnggl mak ak.. nangis tahap gaban r ak smpi gelabah gak r mak ak tgk.. pas2 mak ak tnye pesal, ak jwb lbh krg cmni r “selipar tertinggal kat kerbau sne..waa..” smbl nangis.. so mak ak g r amek kn selipar tu..

Hehehe.. mmg ble ingt blk ak mmg nk gelak r.. hahahaha.. time tu ak bju tadika ak kaler ijau so myb ak pk kerbau tu ingt ak ni rumput kot.. tu psl takot len mcm.. hehhehe..

Skang ni ble ak blk kg tgk tmpt tu mst gelak r..hahaha..

Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Things I Hate When Riding KTM...

5 perkara yang saya X suka bila naik KTM..
tolong translate kn.. (^_^)Y

1. Coach for Ladies ON

hang tu perempuan ke? wanita? gadis? mahupun seorang ibu beranak 4??
kalau rase
2 x masuk mne2 kategori, sila la jgn msuk bhgn tu.. tak rase pelik ke tetbe seketul je jantina yang berbeza, dikelilingi ngan wanita2 yg comel tuh *mata ke atas, tgn di dada* ye.. kalau x paham bahasa omputih meh cni ak dah tolong google translate kn dlm bnyk bhse dh..

Dames ne
سيدات فقط

숙녀 전용
Bayanlar sadece
Ladies chỉ
*klu ak salah mkne nye google translate pon salah.. heheh..*

kalau be***p sgt sampai tak tau bce.. gmbr tuh terang2 dh kaler pink..
pastu ada gmbr pompu
an lg.. phm2 la..

ni gmbr perempuan

ni baru gmbr lelaki..

2. Please let the people from inside disembarked first

sume org penat.. bru balik keje ke, ada urusan ke.. so sme2 penat..
tp tolong la bagi org yg kat dalam keluar dulu..
kadang2 kesian ak tgk mak cik2 nih men ragbi kat dpn
pintu ktm tu..
lg kesian kalau ada bayi atau budak kecik..
lepas tu ada la suara2 merdu ckp

"EH, Jangan tolak la.."

"Arrghh!!! Kaki!! Kaki!!"

"uwek!!! uwek!!!" *ada ke bdk nangis cmni?*


mane 'budi bahasa budaya kita' tu??penat je kerajaan buat kempen juta2..
tp No Manners!!

3. Please give the seat for them who need it more

ini pon lg satu yg bleh wat ak hangin..
eh, hello you are healthy enough to stand, so please give the seat to them..

*sbb tak jumpe yg ktm malaysia punye, amek jepun punya pon jadila..

4. People talks loudly..

ak tak kesah kau nak berborak sampai xhengat dunia tuh..
tp yg jadi kesahnye bila dah mcm sardin dalam ktm tu tp nak gak ckp kuat2..


oo mak kau.. sikit punye kuat korg ckp..
dok xdela jauh sgt..
bingit telinga ada..
panas ati pon ada..
dah la berhimpit mcm sardin..
bleh masak ak dlm tu..

lg xleh thn ble ada org ckp kat telefon pon nk kuat2 gak..
please respect others ok.. this is a public transport..

5. Delayed train

oh, ini mmg ak xleh nk tolerate..
ak pnh tggu lebih krg 1 jam ++
thp kesabaran diuji pd thp maksimum!!
tp lps tu, kalau dgr tren delay.. dgn selambe je ak dok kat lantai bce komik..
*membaca amalan mulia*

Oleh itu, sila gunakan pengangkutan awam dengan selamat, mesra dan teratur ye uollz!!

Kredit ntok gmbr2: Encik Google